Who can become an eCosway Business Owner?
Any individual who has attained the age of majority in his/her country of residence (usually 18 years) and any registered business entity.
How do I become a eCosway Business Owner?
Submit the New Business Owner Registration Form and pay US$35(for US residents) for your one-time registration fee.
How do I pay for my registration?
You may pay using your Visa or MasterCard online. In countries/republics where there are eCenters, you can make cash payment in your local currency equivalent to US$35(for US residents).
Can I 'WILL' my Business to a next of kin?
Can I sell, transfer or assign my Business?
Do I need to make purchases every month to receive profits?
No. we does not require you to make any purchases. However, you do need to have activity in your personal branch in order to receive profits.
When do I receive my profits?
Normally, profits are paid into your eAccount(you will be given one) 6 weeks after the month-end of the calculated month.
Is there a limit on the number of branches I can have linked to my personal branch?
No. There is no limit.
For any other questions please contact us directly.